Sibford is a co-educational, independent school for children aged 3-18. We have a strong community of international students and are proud to welcome pupils from across the globe to come and study here.
The School is situated on a beautiful rural 96-acre site in one of the UK’s wealthiest and safest areas. Oxford is just 24 miles away and London is just over an hour.
The Oratory is a Catholic independent boarding and day school, and provides an education of depth and breadth for both Catholic and non-Catholic families.
St Clare’s Oxford was founded by Anne Dreydel OBE and Pamela Morris in 1953 and grew out of a scheme to establish links between British and European students after the Second World War.
Day and Boarding for Boys aged 11 to 18 and Girls aged 16 to 18
Shiplake College is a thriving independent boarding and day school for 425 pupils, taking boys from age 11 and girls in the Sixth Form. Overlooking the River Thames in Oxfordshire,